BYASE software documentation

BYASE is a Python package for simultaneous identification of gene-level and isoform-level ASE of polyploid (diploid or higher) organisms from single-end or paired-end RNA-seq data, as long as there are predefined annotations and phased or non-phased SNP information. BYASE also contains a graphical user interface (GUI) tool BYASE-GUI to guide users through the workflow and to help better display and analyze results.

BYASE uses Bayesian inference for probabilistic analysis. Bayesian inference treats unknown parameters as random variables, it produces a posterior distribution for each parameter as a prediction rather than generating a single estimate, which clearly describes the uncertainty of the estimate. This is especially useful for isoform-level based analysis, because even for high coverage RNA-seq data, it is not always sufficient to accurately predict transcript expression.

Because genes can contain dozens of isoforms, it should be ensured that the MCMC method works well on high-dimensional parameters. Some widely used samplers, such as Metropolis-Hastings, did not converge well in our tests with genes of many isoforms and are therefore not suitable for inference. BYASE uses MCMC method to obtain samples to describe posterior distributions of inferred parameters. BYASE uses the No-U-Turn Sampler as the MCMC sampler, which converges to high dimensional distributions much more quickly, which ensures that we can get more accurate results in less time with fewer samples.

Installation of BYASE

BYASE is released as a Python package which requires Python 3.6 or higher to be installed on the computer.

To install BYASE, some Python packages that BYASE depends on should be installed first. In order to to successfully compile some of the packages, several system libraries should be pre-installed. For example, on Ubuntu 18.04, these libraries may need to be installed:

sudo apt install zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev

Then, use pip to install dependent packages:

pip3 install --user numpy scipy pandas cython
pip3 install --user pymc3 pyarrow
pip3 install --user pysam htseq

Then, use pip to install BYASE:

pip3 install --user byase

After the installation, if you cannot run byase from the terminal, this is caused by the executable binary file byase not being found in the system path, you may need to run:

export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

To use the plotting module, matplotlib should also be installed:

pip3 install --user matplotlib

If BYASE is run on a server or cluster system, the plotting module may not be used, then the installation of package matplotlib can be ignored, because some problem may be encountered during the installation of matplotlib on such systems.

Installation of BYASE-GUI

To use BYASE-GUI, BYASE should be installed first, the installation of BYASE is documented here.

BYASE-GUI is built using the wxPython framework, in order to successfully compile the package wxPython, some system libraries should be pre-installed. For example, on Ubuntu 18.04, these libraries may need to be installed:

sudo apt install libgtk-3-0 libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev freeglut3-dev libwebkitgtk-3.0-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev

Then, use pip to install dependent packages:

pip3 install --user psutil
pip3 install --user wxPython

Then, use pip to install BYASE-GUI:

pip3 install --user byase-gui

After the installation, if you cannot run byase-gui from the terminal, this is caused by the executable binary file byase-gui not being found in the system path, you may need to run:

export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

Usage of BYASE

BYASE contains several modules to complete the entire workflow, the basic usage is as follows:

byase [subcommand] [args...]

BYASE supports the following subcommands:

  • gen-task - Generate tasks.
  • extract-region - Extract long continuous regions.
  • stat-insert-size - Stat insert size of paired-end BAM files.
  • inference - Perform Bayesian inference on tasks.
  • resume - Resume Bayesian inference.
  • stats - Stats results.
  • trace - Extract MCMC traces.
  • plot - Plot.


The existence of alignment bias greatly affects the ASE results. Since BYASE aims to focus on downstream analysis, it assumes that the alignments are unbiased. For diploid organisms, we recommend that users use phased SNVs to construct a diploid genome using vcf2diplod, and then align each read with the two haplotypes separately, and choose the best alignment between the two. In this way, the alignment bias should be reduced as much as possible.

Generating tasks

In the ASE estimation, heterozygous SNPs are used to separate reads from different alleles. If there are multiple SNPs on the exons of the target gene, haplotyping is required to take advantage of the information they provide together. However, There is no guarantee that all of SNPs can be phased, which means they cannot be used in a single task. BYASE divides the SNPs into two groups, a phased group and a non-phased group. SNPs in the phased group are used in a single task to maximize the inference capabilities they provide together. A separate inference task is run for each SNP in the non-phased group as a supplement.

BYASE accepts a GFF format file as the input gene annotation, and a VCF format file as the input variation annotation. BYASE provides a subcommand gen-task to generate all the necessary information about inference tasks and store it into databases. A self-structured database such as sqlite3 should be enough, however, the lock mechanism of sqlite3 may be incompatible with the file system of some cluster system. BYASE implements a simple database-like structure that stores information in binary format and indexes it for quick access.

The usage of subcommand gen-task is as follows:

  • -g, --gff - The path of the GFF annotation file.
  • -G, --gene-feature - The feature type name of genes, in the 3rd column of the GFF file. This option is used to guide BYASE find genes. (DEFAULT: gene)
  • -I, --isoform-feature - The feature type name of isoforms, in the 3rd column of the GFF file. This option is used to guide BYASE to find isoforms. (DEFAULT: transcript)
  • -A, --gene-name-attr - The attribute that describes gene names, extracted from the 9th column of the GFF file. This option is used to specify gene names in the following steps. (DEFAULT: ID)
  • -B, --isoform-name-attr - The attribute that describes isoform names, extracted from the 9th column of the GFF file. This option is used to specify gene names in the following steps. (DEFAULT: ID)
  • -v, --vcf - The path of the VCF file.
  • -s, --sample - The name of the target sample in the VCF file.
  • -p, --ploidy - The ploidy of the target sample. (DEFAULT: 2)
  • -C, --add_chrom_prefix - Add "chr" prefix to chromosome names when extracting SNPs from the VCF file. This option is a convenient way to avoid the difference in chromosome names between the VCF file and BAM files.
  • -o, --out-dir - The path of the output directory.

This command will output the following files into the output directory:


Inferring insert-size information from paired-end data

BYASE requires BAM format files as input alignments. If paired-end RNA-seq data is used, the information of the insert-size can be utilized in the statistic model to benefit the final results. BYASE models insert-size as a random variable subject to a normal distribution and infers the mean value and standard deviation from BAM files.

The idea was also used by other software to first identify long contiguous regions from the entire genome and then calculate statistics from read pairs aligned to the same region. BYASE provides two subcommands to implement the function: extract-region and stat-insert-size.

The usage of subcommand extract-region is as follows:

  • -g, --gff - The path of the GFF annotation file.
  • -m, --min-region-len - Minimum length of regions. (DEFAULT: 1000)
  • -o, --out - The path of the output file.

The usage of subcommand stat-insert-size is as follows:

  • -r, --region - The path of the file containing long continuous regions, which is the result of subcommand extract-region.
  • -b, --bams - The paths of the BAM files.
  • -o, --out-dir - The path of output directory.

This command will output the following files into the output directory:


The mean value and standard deviation of insert-sizes can be found in the file insert_size_stat.txt contains , and insert_size_stat.png contains the corresponding histogram.


As mentioned previously, BYASE uses Bayesian inference to estimate parameters. In order to obtain the posterior distribution of the inferred parameters, samples are obtained from the Bayesian model using the MCMC method. In implementation, BYASE uses package pymc3 to do Bayesian inference (pymc3 uses package theano as backends). The sampler runs 1000 iterations for each task, and the first 500 iterations are discarded as tuning samples.


Package theano will generate a bunch of pre-files before the actual inference, so the inference of the first task in each process will be very time consuming. theano will then use the cache and the inference speed of the remaining tasks will be normal.

The usage of subcommand inference is as follows:

  • -t, --task - The path of task directory, which is the result of subcommand gen-task.
  • -b, --bam - The paths of BAM files.
  • -L, --read-len - Read length.
  • -P, --pe - Specify the BAM files are paired-end.
  • -M, --insert-size-mean - The mean of insert-size.
  • -S, --insert-size-std - The standard deviation of insert-size.
  • -o, --out-dir - The path of output directory.
  • -n, --process - The number of processes used for parallel computing. (DEFAULT: 1)
  • -C, --n-mcmc - The number of MCMC samples. (DEFAULT: 500)
  • -T, --tune - The number of tune samples. (DEFAULT: 500)
  • -c, --count - The count of tasks to be inferred. If not specified, inference will be done on all tasks.

This command will output the following files into the output directory:

The directory theano_cache contains the cache files generated by theano package, which can be safely deleted. The file result.db and result.db.idx store the inference results of tasks. The file contains the inference parameters including the relative paths of tasks directory and BAM files, which affect subsequent analysis such as plotting function (the basic information about tasks is retrieved from the task directory, and the reads information is from BAM files), so if the paths are changed after inference, please update them in manually.

BYASE supports processing tasks in different runs, to continue from the last run, subcommand resume should be used, most of the parameters do not need to be reassigned. The usage of subcommand resume is as follows:

  • -o, --out-dir - The path of previous output directory.
  • -n, --process - The number of processes used for parallel computing. (DEFAULT: 1)
  • -c, --count - The count of tasks to be inferred. If not specified, inference will be done on all tasks.


The histogram of the MCMC samples serve as a posterior distribution of the corresponding parameter. The mean value can be used as an estimate of the parameter, and the width of the 95% HPD (Highest Posterior Density) interval can be used as a measure of the certainty of the estimate, the smaller the interval width means the higher the confidence of the inferred result. BYASE provides a subcommand to stat the estimate of gene-level and isoform-level expression difference. The usage of subcommand stats is as follows:

  • -d, --result-dir - The paths of result directory.

This command will create a directory called stats (if not exists) in the result directory, then it will generate two files ASE_geneLevel.csv and ASE_isoformLevel.csv corresponding to gene-level and isoform-level results.

Extract MCMC traces

MCMC trace is useful for diagnosing the convergence of inference results. The usage of subcommand trace is as follows:

  • -d, --result-dir -The paths of result directory.
  • -i, --task-id - The ID of the task to extract MCMC traces.

This command will create a directory called trace and create a csv file named after the task inside it. The csv file contains the MCMC traces of each inferred variable.


The plotting module of BYASE will output more comprehensive information about inference results, including the histogram (MCMC samples) of each inferred parameter and sequence coverage of each gene (or isoform) for each allele. The usage of subcommand plot is as follows:

  • -d, --result-dir - The path of result directory.
  • -i, --task-id - The ID of the task to plot.

This command will create a directory called plots and create a subdirectory named after the task ID inside it. The subplots will be stored in SVG format in the subdirectory, and the file plot_ase.html contains an arrangement of all the subplots.

The first row of the html file contains the results of the gene-level analysis, and each subsequent row contains the results of the isoform-level analysis of each isoform within the gene. Each row contains the posterior distribution (histogram) of the expression ratio of each allele, and the expression difference of every two alleles. Each row also contains the coverage information on each allele.

Coverage This is an example of coverage plot. The y-axis represents the coverage. The structure of the gene or transcript is shown at the bottom of the plot. SNPs are shown as colored vertical lines, green for A, blue for C, yellow for G, and red for T. It is almost impossible that all reads are uniquely assigned to a certain group. We draw all the reads compatible with this group and separate them according to compatibility. For example, A1-I1 represents the reads from allele 1 of isoform 1, and A?-I1 represents the reads from isoform 1, but it is unclear which allele they come from.


To demonstrate the use of BYASE, we provide a small example which can be downloaded at:

Unzip the file and enter the directory byase_test, there are three subdirectories: files containing all the input files, anno reserved for storing the generated annotation, and test reserved for storing inference results.

Generating tasks

byase gen-task -g files/test.gff3 -A "gene_name" -B "transcript_name" -v files/test.vcf -s "NA12878" -C -o anno


byase inference -n 4 -t anno -b files/test.bam -L 54 -P -M 103.46 -S 19.25 -o test


byase stats -d test


byase plot -d test -i "ENSG00000186376.10-PHASED"

In BYASE-GUI, the corresponding operation is as follows:

Generating tasks Tasks

Inference Inference

Stats Results

Plotting Plots

Example of polyploid analysis

ASE analysis of polyploid organisms may be very promising, such as the application of epigenetics research in plants. We have provided an simulated example to show how to perform ASE analysis on polyploid samples.

When dealing with polyploid data, the GFF annotation still describes the structure of genes, and BAM files still contain the alignments of raw reads. The polyploid information should be contained in the VCF file, as shown in our example file test.vcf.

For polyploid analysis, the option -p shoud be used to specify the ploidy when generating tasks:

byase gen-task -g files/test.gff3 -v files/test.vcf -s SIM -p 3 -o anno

Then, the subsequent analysis is roughly the same, BYASE will automaticaly process the polyploid information.

byase inference -t anno -b files/test.bam -L 101 -P -M 300 -S 20 -o test

Plots The figure illustrates the inference results of the simulated example.